Asked why the INC Church of Manalo has no official website to publish their OFFICIAL TEACHINGS I received a disturbing and obviously a very bigoted comments from an anti-Catholic member of cult of Manalo in our post
A Conversion Story of an Iglesia ni Cristo, saying Manalo has no teachings FROM HIMSELF!
Catholic Offender May 11, 2012 6:20 PM
AGAIN, you did not respond to anything and did not answer properly to anything mentioned! "Don't sweat it out.." YOU STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH!
you will not find any official documents from Manalo simply because there are none.. our teachings come from the BIBLE, from hearing the truth IN CHURCH, we are not an internet based Church...
But of course, like usual, that's a BLATANT LIE!
The reason why the INC Church of Manalo DOES NOT WANT to publish their teachings in the internet because in one time, their teachings have been roundly questioned for having a lot of INCONSISTENCIES and LOOPHOLES and their doctrines cannot even hold water- COPY CAT, no originality while the INC central was silent.
These PASUGO quotes confirm Felix Manalo, its founder, formulated them.
PASUGO Mayo 1952, p. 4
“Kung ang babalingan ng pag-uusapan ay ang nagtatag, dapat na siya ang may-ari ng itinatag, at sa kanya rin manggagaling ang mga aral at turo na ipinatutupad."
PASUGO Nobyembre 1960, p. 26:
“Kaya't papaano makikilala ang sugo ng Dios at ang hindi sugo ng Dios: Sa aral makikilala ayon kay Jesus. Ang aral ng mga sugo ng Dios ay mula sa Dios, ang mga aral ng hindi sugo ng Dios, ay mula lamang sa kanyang sarili. (Juan 7: 16-18)
PASUGO May 1961, p.4
“At sino nga ba ang gumagawa ng mga leksiyong itinuturo ng mga ministro, maging sa mga pagsamba, mga doktrina o mga Propaganda? Ang Kapatid na Felix Manalo.”
PASUGO Mayo 1963, p. 27:
“Kaya’t sa katuparan ng hula, ang lahat ng mga itinuturo ng mga Ministro ng INK sa mga pagsamba, sa mga doktrina, sa mga pamamahayag sa gitna ng bayan, ay si Kapatid na Felix Manalo lamang ang bumabalangkas at nagtuturo sa kanila.”
It is a blatant and deceitful LIE to claim that Manalo has no teachings from himself while officially their Pasugo confirmed otherwise. And it is a grave insult to the HOLY SCRIPTURES to claim that INC Church of Manalo's teachings are "ALL" from the Bible.
Let me prove them wrong once again:
PASUGO Nobyembre 1940, p. 23:
“Iisa lamang ang tanging makapagtatayo ng Iglesiang magiging dapat sa Dios. Kung sino? -- Ang ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo lamang! Sinumang tao-- maging marunong o mangmang-- ay walang karapatang magtayo..."
PASUGO Agosto-Setyembre 1964, p. 5
“Kailan napatala sa Pamahalaan o narehistro ang INK sa Pilipinas? Noong Hulyo 27, 1914. Tunay nga na sinasabi sa rehistro na si Kapatid na F. Manalo ang nagtatag ng INK."
PASUGO Mayo 1968, p. 7:
“Ang tunay na Iglesia ni Cristo ay iisa lamang, ito ang Iglesiang itinayo ni Cristo. Kung mayroon mang nagsisibangon ngayong mga Iglesia at sasabihing sila man ay INK rin ang mga ito ay hindi tunay kundi huwad lamang!"
PASUGO Abril 1966, p. 46:
“Ang Iglesia Katolika na sa pasimula ay siyang Iglesia ni Cristo."
THERE IS NO TOTAL APOSTASY! Therefore we don't need another "Last Messenger"
PASUGO Mayo 1968, p. 5:
"Ano ang katangian ng maging Tupa ni Cristo? Sa Juan 10:28 ay ganito ang sabi: 'At sila'y binigyan ko ng walang hanggang buhay, at kailanma'y hindi sila malilipol, at hindi aagawin ng sinuman sa aking kamay'. Isang dakilang kapalaran ang maging Tupa o Tauhan ni Cristo sapagkat sila'y binibigyan niya ng walang hanggang buhay at hindi sila malilipol kailan man."
PASUGO Hunyo 1940, p. 27:
"Papaano ang pag-aalaga at pag-iingat sa pananampalataya? Wala tayong dapat gawin kundi manatili sa mga aral ng Dios na ating napag-aralan. Ito ang ginawa ng unang Iglesia. Sila'y nanatiling matibay sa aral ng mga Apostol. Ganito rin ang dapat nating gawin."
PASUGO, Abril 1966, p. 46:
“Ang totoo hanggang sa kasalukuyan ay patuloy na ginagawa ni Satanas ang pagpapasok ng mga maling aral sa Iglesia Katolika na sa pasimula'y siyang Iglesia ni Cristo. Sadyang matalino at tuso ang diablo. Hindi niya ginawang biglaan ang pagtalikod sa Iglesiang itinayo ni Cristo noong unang siglo."
Truth HIDDEN is truth DENIED. Therefore it's a LIE.
Patented Trademark Registration of a society formerly called the Iglesia ni Kristo founded by Felix Manalo in 1914 |
In 2 John 1:7
Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh; such is the deceitful one and the antichrist.
In Philippians 2:5-8
"...though he (JESUS CHRIST) was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance,..."
Jesus is GOD "coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance.."
Even the JEWS knew exactly what Jesus wanted to convey!
In John 10:33:
The Jews answered him, “We are not stoning you for a good work but for blasphemy. You, a man, are making yourself God.”
FELIX MANALO DENIED JESUS' DIVINITY who is in human likeness, and found human in appearance! And what FATE would that MAN be rewarded for DENYING JESUS-GOD who is in human likeness and found human in appearance?
In 2 John 1:7
Many deceivers (including Felix Manalo) have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh; such is the deceitful one and the antichrist.
FELIX MANALO is the DECEITFUL and ANTI-CHRIST for DENYING JESUS CHRIST as "coming in the flesh" GOD-MADE FLESH (John 1:1-5).
Below are other of his/her complaints againt the TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST - the CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Behold the TRUTH:
Does Jesus approve of calling the leaders of the church, “Father”?
“Do not call ANYONE on earth your Father, for ONE is your Father, HE who is in Heaven” -Matthew 23:9
I do not believe that GOD appreciates you calling a MAN, “father” especially when HE himself commanded this and this man commits sin.
We do not WORSHIP FELIX MANALO, nor did/do we call him father for it is WRONG
Catholic Answer: Call No Man "Father"?
Worshipping idols, icons and images violates the 2nd commandment…
FACT: Catholics regularly bow down to idols, icons and images of Jesus, Mary and the apostles, kissing the feet of the statues and praying to them.
Historical note: The Pope deleted the 2nd of the 10 commandments so they could use statues & images in worship. They split the 10th commandment on coveting into two commandments so they could still have 10 in number. Don't believe this? Look at the list of 10 commandments published by the Roman Catholic church! The issue here is not how the Ten Commandments are numbered, rather the issue is that most published lists of the 10 commandments do not include the words, "you shall not for yourself an idol". Open your Catholic Bible and look for yourself!
Question #1: Does the 2nd commandment approve of bowing down and kissing idols?
"You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them." -Exodus 20:4-5
Question #2: Did JESUS say it was OK for man to change what the word of GOD teaches for man-made catholic doctrines?
"'But in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.' "Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men." He was also saying to them, "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition." Mark 7:7-9
Sounds like your priests would rather keep to their traditions rather than follow what is commanded
Catholic Answer: "Worship God Alone" - Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholic Answer: "The sacred image, ...principally represents Christ. It cannot represent the invisible and incomprehensible God, but the incarnation of the Son of God has ushered in a new "economy" of images" - Catechism of the Catholic Church
Did Jesus forbid repetitive prayer using Rosary Beads?
“And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the GENTILES do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words” -Matthew 6:7
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..
…Sounds repetitious to me..
Catholic Answer: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..." (from Luke 1:28), sounds BIBLICAL to me... (and no matter how many times they are repeated, they are still SCRIPTURAL. Is reading the Bible again and again a "vain repetition?" Was Jesus anti-scriptural? INC are bigots and fools!!! How could Jesus condemn prayers taken from the Scripture merely for repeating them again and again?
Bible passages that we meditate on during the Rosary (Source: David MacDonald:
Many Evangelicals do not know that the Rosary is very Bible centred. It is a meditation on the life of Jesus and his conquest over death. Here are the biblical sources of the Rosary.
“Joyful Mysteries”(Mon & Sat)
First Decade: The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
Second Decade: The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56)
Third Decade: The Birth of Our Lord (Luke 2:1-21)
Fourth Decade: The Presentation of Our Lord (Luke 2:22-38)
Fifth Decade: The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
“Luminous Mysteries”(Thurs.)
First Decade: The Baptism of Our Lord in the River Jordan (Matthew 3:13-16)
Second Decade: The Wedding at Cana, when Christ manifested Himself (Jn 2:1-11)
Third Decade: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15)
Fourth Decade: The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-8)
Fifth Decade: The Last Supper, when Our Lord gave us the Holy Eucharist (Mt 26)
“Sorrowful Mysteries”(Tues & Fri)
First Decade: The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-56)
Second Decade: Our Lord is Scourged at the Pillar (Matthew 27:26)
Third Decade: Our Lord is Crowned with Thorns (Matthew 27:27-31)
Fourth Decade: Our Lord Carries the Cross to Calvary (Matthew 27:32)
Fifth Decade: The Crucifixion of Our Lord (Matthew 27:33-56)
“Glorious Mysteries”(Wed & Sun)
First Decade: The Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord (John 20:1-29)
Second Decade: The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:36-53)
Third Decade: The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41)
Fourth Decade: The Assumption of Mary into Heaven (Song of Songs 2:2,10-11)
Fifth Decade: The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth (Gn 3:15a) (Jdt 13:18) (Jdt 15:9) (Rv 12:1) (Sir 24:4) (Sir 14:9) (Cor 4:17) (Lk 8:21)(Gal 4:19)
You confess your sins to the priest to be forgiven..
Catholic Answer: John 20:22-23 "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." (Read Why Catholics Confess their Sins to a Priest)
Historical fact: many priests have been known to take bribes for forgiveness of sins…
So if I had enough money, I could be forgiven of my sins?
Catholic Answer: There were many recorded abuses within the Church but these grievous acts were condemned by the Church.
By the way, what’s the difference between a child molester and a priest??
…still trying to figure that one out…
Catholic Answer: The difference is that any sexual molestation is SIN while a priest is someone who should be imitating the holiness of Christ. Judas Iscariot who was one among the 'Chosen 12' had sinned. Similarly the Church has its own Judases but they were now being punished. Other Judases were those who left the Church and preached HERESY such like FELIX MANALO who DENIED Jesus God coming in the flesh. Such are deceitful and anti-Christ says the Bible.
Between those child molester priests and the RAPIST MANALO, the former were put to justice while the latter was never condemned rather he elevated himself MORE THAN JESUS the LORD.
PASUGO Mayo 1964, p. 1;
“Inihandog ng Dios ang kanyang sarili sa kanyang huling sugo upang dumiyos sa kanya. Samakatuwid, ang tanging may Dios na huling araw na ito'y ang huling sugo -- si Kapatid na Felix Manalo."
Dios ang NAGHANDOG ng kanyang sarili kay FELIX MANALO?!!!
Take note, when we read the BIBLE, we do not create other books, passages, commandments etc, to claim as our own teachings…
YOUR words and accusations are amateur, SITE YOUR BASIS!!!
The BIBLE: Our Debt to the Catholic Church "Amid the general jubilation over the three hundredth anniversary of the appearance of King James’s version of the Bible, I think it would be a pity if we did not make mention of that great Church to which, under God, we owe our possession of the sacred Scriptures—I mean of course, the Roman Catholic Church. Without striking one single jarring note, I hope, in the universal chorus, yet I feel it would be rather ungenerous, and indeed historically unjust, did we not turn our eyes at least in passing to that venerable figure standing in the background surveying our celebrations, and, as it were, saying, “Rejoice over it, but remember it was from me you got it.” As a Scotsman, who cannot forget that it is the Bible that has made Scotland largely what she is today, I yield to no one in veneration of the inspired Scriptures and in admiration of the incomparably beautiful Authorized Version. Still, honor to whom honor. We shall only be awarding a just meed of praise and gratitude if we frankly and thankfully recognize that it is to a council (or councils) of the R.C. Church that we owe the collection of the separate books into our present Canon of the New Testament, and that to the loving care and devoted labor of the monks and scholars of that Church all through the ages we are indebted, not only for the multiplication and distribution of the sacred volume among the faithful when as yet no printing press existed, but even for the preservation of the Book from corruption and destruction. It is, then, undoubtedly true to say that, in the present order of Providence, it is owing to the Roman Catholic Church that we have a Bible at all. And no one will be a bit the worse Christian and Bible-lover if he remembers, this notable year, that it is to the Mother Church of Christendom he must look if he would behold the real preserver, defender, and transmitter of the “Word that endureth for ever.”
Why bite the hands that feed you?! INC are very very ungrateful! |