However, understandably, there should be no two churches claiming to be original. One has to be the real and the other to be a hoax. And to make their church appear to be real, Felix Manalo invented the "Total Apostasy" doctrine (but Mormonism formulated this doctrine before Manalo making him a 'copycat') and preached that Christ's true Church HAD apostatized TOTALLY contrary to what Christ had promised.
Matthew 16 "...and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it (his Church)."
Christ said that the gates of all lies SHALL / WILL NOT prevail against his Church. The future tense SHALL covers before and in the future so how could Felix ever twisted these biblical truth. And if we believe Jesus is "The Way, The Truth, and The Life" why does INC believes in the "Total Apostasy?" Did Christ lied to Peter when he have promised those sacred words? Of course not! Felix was!
PASUGO Nobyembre 1956, p. 18: (sinulat ni Emiliano Magtuto)
PASUGO Pebrero 1959, p. 1: (sinulat ni Ben Santiago)
PASUGO Mayo 1952, p. 5: (sinulat ni Ben Santiago).
PASUGO Agosto 1962, p. 3: (sinulat ni Ben Santiago)
PASUGO Marso 1956, p. 25: (sinulat ni Teofilo Ramos)
PASUGO Pebrero 1952, p. 9: (sinulat ni Joaquin Balmores)
Since these "blinded" believers don't believe to any Catholic sources, I decided to consult Answers.com to see what this great site would say about the Catholic Church, Christianity as a whole and the Iglesia ni Cristo of Felix Manalo. Sad to say but Answers.com quoted heavily from CAtholic official sources for accuracy's purposes.
History of Christianity as a Whole:
A. D. 33-325
Early Christianity refers to the period when the religion spread in the Greek/Roman world and beyond, from its beginnings as a 1st century Jewish sect, to the end of imperial persecution of Christians after the ascension of Constantine the Great in AD 313, to the First Council of Nicaea in 325. It may be divided into two distinct phases: the apostolic period, when the first apostles were alive and organizing the Church, and the post-apostolic period, when an early episcopal structure developed, whereby bishoprics were
governed by bishops (overseers).”
Note: The CAtholic Church was there before and after the First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.
Ecumenical movements within Protestantism have focused on determining a list
of doctrines and practices essential to being Christian and thus extending to
all groups which fulfill these basic criteria a (more or less) co-equal status,
with perhaps one's own group still retaining a "first among equal" standing.
This process involved a redefinition of the idea of "the Church" from
traditional theology. This ecclesiology, known as denominationalism, contends
that each group (which fulfills the essential criteria of "being Christian") is
a sub-group of a greater "Christian Church", itself a purely abstract concept
with no direct representation, i.e., no group, or "denomination", claims to be
"the Church." Obviously, this ecclesiology is at variance with other groups that
indeed consider themselves to be "the Church." The "essential criteria"
generally consist of belief in the Trinity, belief that Jesus Christ is the only
way to have forgiveness and eternal life, and that He died and rose again
bodily.Source: History of Christianity
- a Church that propagated the belief in Jesus Christ
- This Church went to convert Pagans, went to two dominant civilizations during that time, Greece and Rome and beyond
- It is implied that there was no Bible yet while early Christians preached the Gospel
- It is implied that the early Christians preached by word and deed (Tradition)
- This Church is responsible in the formulation of Episcopacy
- Peter was the unifying force in the Early Christianity
- The meaning of Church is one, not many.
History of the (Roman) Catholic Church:
The History of the Catholic Church from apostolic times covers a period of nearly 2,000 years, making it the world's oldest and largest institution. It dates its beginning to the confession of Peter, and the establishment of the Church by Jesus Christ. Catholic doctrine states that Christ is the head of his Mystical Body, the Catholic Church.[ The history of the Roman Catholic Church is integral to the History of Christianity and the history of Western civilization”
Source: History of the Roman Catholic Church
What Wikipedia is saying:
- That the Catholic Church from apostolic times covers nearly more than 2,000 years.
- It is implied that since we're living in 2,009 A.D. the Catholic Church still exists from the time of the Apostles. Again Wikipedia never said it apostatized.
- And that the Catholic Church is INTEGRAL to the History of Christianity. There's no twisting of historical facts here my dear INC friends.
- Where is "Total Apostasy?"
Now let's see what Wikipedia is saying about the cult Iglesia ni Cristo:
“Felix Y. Manalo officially registered the church as a corporation sole with
him as executive minister on July 27, 1914 and because of this, most
publications refer to him as the founder of the church. However, the official
doctrines of the church profess that Jesus Christ is the founder of the INC and
that Felix Manalo was God's last messenger, whom he sent to reestablish the Christian Church to its true, pristine form[ because the original church was
apostatized. They believe that the apostatized church is the Roman Catholic
Church, and proclaim that Catholic dogmas, such as the Trinity, are proof of
this apostacy.Source: Iglesia ni Cristo
What does Wikipedia says about Iglesia ni Cristo?:
- Felix Manalo registered the 'church' (small letter 'c')
- His church was registered as 'corporation sole'
- His church was registered in July 27, 1914, one thousand nine hundred fourteen (1914) years behind the Catholic Church nearly more than"Two Thousand years (2000) in existence.
- It is through historical chronological sequence that the genuine comes first then the hoax.
- It is through the dictates of common sense that a sect built in 1914 was not the genuine but the hoax.
- It is by common sense that if one is true, the other is lie.
- If the Catholic Church never apostatized, then Felix Manalo's "Total Apostasy" was a lie
- And if that is the case, Felix Manalo is not and was not a messenger but a liar and his Iglesia to be just a 'corporation sole' managed and owned by the Manalo clan.
They would lie so as to deceive many. So when did the Catholic Church apostatized according to history?
Their answer is a defeaning silence!