Thousands of Germans go to the streets to protest against the Islamization of Europe!
While the world have seen the barbarity of Muslim Jihadists and Extremists from US, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Australia and now in the heart of Europe, PARIS, FRANCE, it's very clear to us now that THEY won't be FRIENDLY with us yesterday, today and even tomorrow.
The only mistake we've done to them is that WE ARE INFIDELS in their eyes and so we are all their potential enemies.
In their understanding of PEACE, it can only be achieved when ISLAM becomes the DOMINANT RELIGION in the WORLD, and all non-Muslims or INFIDELS like me, will be SUBJUGATED under the Islamic Law (SHARIAH), stripped off of their basic rights as a human person and live a life of a
DHIMMI and pay the
JIZYA (Islamic Tax).
And if a non-Muslim or infidel doesn't want to convert to Islam and don't pay the JIZYA, the ultimate punishment is DEATH!
It's the TIME... the RIGHT TIME for us INFIDELS to call a SPADE a SPADE. Throw in the garbage all those political correctness statements by our coward politicians.
Of course, WE DO NOT GENERALIZE MUSLIMS but more or less
80% of all TERRORIST RELATED CRIMES around the world were committed by MUSLIMS.
Everytime there are Muslim related terrorism, "moderate" Muslims are quick to apologize saying "
THEY AREN'T MUSLIMS" or they say "
THEY DO NOT REPRESENT ISLAM" or still some other say, they are just a
"MINORITY" around two per cent.
If these TERRORISTS aren't MUSLIMS, why they are following the very PILLARS of ISLAM:
- Profess the Shahada (La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah - the same emblem written found in the Saudi Arabian flag and the ISIS symbol)
- They perform the Salat or prayer five (5) times facing Mecca, Saudi Arabia -- the center of Islamic world where the Kaaba is located.
- They give Zakat (charity) especially during the month of Ramadan.
- Religiously practice Sawm (fasting and self-control) during Ramadan
- Perform Hajj (pilgrimage) or Umrah to Mecca (where the black-stone in the Kaaba is) and Madina (where the burial site of Muhammad is located).
- Read the Qur'an and the Hadiths
- Implement Shariah
TWO PER CENT of 1.6 BILLION Muslims around the world is NOT JUST a MINORITY! That is 1.6 MILLION TERRORISTS!
Do not believe OBAMA, ABBOT, HOLLANDE, and other European country leaders who are all IN DENIAL of this reality!
But for us, WE KNOW our ENEMY! It's the ISLAMIC JIHADISTS / MUSLIM EXTREMISTS aka Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, ISIS, Jamiat-e Islami, Jemaah Islamiah, Al Nusra Front, Abu Sayyaf, Al Shabaab, Ansar al-Islam, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestine Liberation Front etc.
Egypt’s Sisi: Islamic “Thinking” Is “Antagonizing the Entire World” |
It's time for MUSLIMS to face ISLAM and their IMAM! There is a serious need to REFORM their RELIGION and that CALL has been STARTED by
In Open Letter To Muslim World, French Muslim Philosopher Says Islam Has Given Birth To Monsters, Needs Reform
Taken from
MEMERI (The Middle East Media Research Instutute)
In an essay published October 3, 2014 in the French newspaper Marianne, French Muslim philosopher Abdennour Bidar, author of Self Islam: A Personal History of Islam (Seuil, 2006); Islam without Submission: Muslim Existentialism (Albin Michel, 2008), and A History of Humanism in the West (Armand Colin, 2014), wrote that Muslims cannot make do with denouncing and repudiating terrorist barbarism, but must acknowledge that its roots lie within Muslim society, and especially within the Islam that is prevalent in the Arab world today. He points out that Islam, like all religions, has throughout its history been a source of much good, wisdom and enlightenment, but that today's mainstream Islam rejects the freedom and flexibility that are advocated by the Koran and instead promotes rigidity and regression that ultimately give rise to terrorism. The Muslim world, he concludes, must therefore reform itself, and especially its education systems, based on principles of freedom of religion and thought, equality, and respect for the other.
The following are translated excerpts from his essay:
Abdennour Bidar (image: |
"I See That You Are Losing Yourself And Your Dignity, And Wasting Your Time, In Your Refusal To Recognize That This Monster Is Born Of You"
"Dear Muslim world: I am one of your estranged sons, who views you from without and from afar – from France, where so many of your children live today. I look at you with the harsh eyes of a philosopher, nourished from infancy on tasawwuf (Sufism) and Western thought. I therefore look at you from my position of barzakh, from an isthmus between the two seas of the East and the West.
"And what do I see? What do I see better than others, precisely because I see you from afar, from a distance? I see you in a state of misery and suffering that saddens me to no end, but which makes my philosopher's judgment even harsher, because I see you in the process of birthing a monster that presumes to call itself the Islamic State, and which some prefer to call by a demon's name – Da'esh. But worst of all is that I see that you are losing yourself and your dignity, and wasting your time, in your refusal to recognize that this monster is born of you: of your irresoluteness, your contradictions, your being torn between past and present, and your perpetual inability to find your place in human civilization.