(Blessed are you when they persecute you because of me,for great is your reward in heaven!)
"The recent list of Churches under attack by Muslims is as follows. Algeria, Egypt, and Malaysia. Today we unfortunately get to add Nigeria to the list. This will only get worse, as Islam is a religion of war.
Angry Muslim youths set fire to a church filled with worshipers, starting a riot that killed at least 27 people and wounded more than 300 in Jos, in northern Nigeria, officials said Monday. Sani Mudi, a spokesman for the local imam, said 22 people died in fighting between Christians and Muslims after rioters set fire to a Catholic church on Sunday. Five others died Monday from their wounds. More than 300 people were killed in inter-religious violence in Jos in 2008. "
[Thanks to AtlasShrugs2000 for the link]
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